Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The other woman in my bedroom

When Kelli leaves in the morning another woman enters the bedroom. That woman is Robin Meade.


Robin Meade is the most popular news anchor on Headline News. Seeing her face on the TV and hearing her voice makes me day start perfectly. She is not only smart, funny and witty.....but pretty as well.

So I am not the only webmaster who tracks visitors. The owners of Chefs Point commented on my blog from yesterday. They found my site by looking at the stats for their site. Like me, they can track where visitors are coming from and what they click on. I was surprised to see that my flying blog site gets 75-100 unique visitors a day...more than 3X the visitors this site gets. I was only able to accurate stats for my aviation blog after switching the software to Wordpress...the same software that is used on this site.

I think Kelli's HP laptop days as her main computer are numbered. The computer is only 1 1/2 years old..but it is sooo slow. I upped the RAM to 4GB, removed all the fancy Windows Vista graphics, reduced the start up programs to bare minimum, defragmented the hard drive and more......but many times it takes one to two minutes to open a web page or open a program. The only thing that really improves performance is to run the computer in 'high performance' mode....which shouldn't be required. I am betting Kelli will order a Macbook within 3 months.

Taxes. We haven't filed yet. I am still waiting on two 1099's from side jobs I had last year. In addition to flying for American Eagle Airlines, I also worked at my former flight school and an online company. I put money aside to cover the taxes that were not taken out when I worked at Airline Transport Professionals. Kelli and I both had taxes taken out of our paychecks at the single rate, which is a higher rate than the married rate. We should be getting back a good chunk of change.

Kelli just texted me that her bother, Kevin, is coming to Dallas to take the Dallas Police Department exam next month! He is currently working for the NYPD. The Dallas Police Department pays more than the NYPD while the real estate is much cheaper than New York. Kevin's wife is finishing nursing school in May/June. She can get a job anywhere as a nurse. There are a ton of public and private hospitals in the DFW area. If they move here it would help put another tick in the "maybe we will have a baby" column as we will have free babysitting. Oh yeah....a little news on that front...check www.byrdintheoven.com for more.

I have the day off today. This morning I will be getting my annual eye exam and getting a crown installed. I am getting crowned for my work helping the under-privileged geeks of Guantanamo Bay. Hmmm yeah. Ok I am getting a crown on a tooth.

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