Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New York

We are in NY for a couple of days. The flight here was interesting. While still on the ground I used the lav. Upon washing my hands the sink spit more air than water out at me. I thought maybe they had not filled the tanks yet. Turns out they didn't till them at all. A faulty gauge showed they were one bothered to check. The flight attendants were all in a bad mood. Fun. The landing in La Guardia (I had never been there before) was very firm. I knew it would be. The runway is relatively short with little room for error. The 757 touched down firmly and they hit the brakes hard. I would have a problem flying out of there given I like to smoothen out my landings....which takes up space.

Today my brother in law graduated from the NYPD Police Academy. The ceremony was held at Madison Square Garden. This was my first time there as well. I wasn't so impressed....kinda small. The ceremony was nice and a bit moving. There were several new policemen who came from the military.

Kelli and I were here in April. My niece Gianna is one of two nieces I have. The other is Haley. Gianna is two years old and it shows. Quite the little terror. Kelli and I swear off kids when we visit. Our other niece is Haley. She is just one years old but currently our favorite. We will see how she is when she is two. Good times.

My brother in law is planning on moving from his $2400 a month rent condo to a $2000 a month rent house. Our mortgage is a little more than half the rent of the house he is looking at. Nutty I tell ya. I am still working on getting him and his wife along with my sister in law and her wife to Texas. My sister in law and her wife live in Sacramento in a nice...but expensive house. The plan for them is too build up equity in the current house so when the next California real estate boom happens they can cash out and pay cash for a house in Texas. It will work. My brother in law will be here for at least one more year while his wife finishes nursing school (coincidentally my sister in law is also in nursing school).

I'm only here thru Friday, Kelli heads back Sunday. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow.

Below is Kelli, Jenny (sister in law), Kevin (brother in law) and of course me, across from Madison Square Garden after his graduation.


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