Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh my....

I've always liked coffee....that's a lie. I love coffee.

I don't care for fruu fruu coffee. No Ice Mochacrapochinos. I like black coffee. No I love black coffee.

For a while I've been using a french press. It was eco-friendly but time consuming. It made decent coffee.

I used a cheap coffee bean grinder. Eh.

Keurig makes neat machines. My sister in law Kelly has one. It's neat, but I couldn't accept having to buy coffee K-cups for each cup. The average price is $0.66 per cup.

So I did research. I found I could use a reuseable K-cup. I researched the reuseable kcups and settled on the ekobrew reuseable cup. I then bought a Keurig B70 Platinum model from Kohls for way less than on Amazon.

It arrived. I was happy....until I tried to use my grinder and the ekobrew. Bad coffee.

More research. I found I needed burr grinder as the cheap steel knife models don't produce a fine even grind. Done.

Burr coffee grinder plus my Keurig has made me very happy. Smooth, conisistent black coffee. I am so happy I could...well be happy. It's awesome. And cheap.

I buy coffee on Amazon for an average of $3.50 a pound. Not sure how many cups I'll get just yet....but I'm betting at least 20 cups which will be about $0.16 a cup.

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